Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 9:07 PM

Life laws will teach you how to be successful in the world.If you ignore them and stumble along,wondering why you never seem to succeed, you will cheat yourself out of everything you deserve.Successful life is nearly impossible if you have no knowledge of life laws.If you have these laws,you will also find that you have the tools to reach for something better for yourself.

They will get you to a place where you can find out that real pleasure doesnt mean dabbling in drugs.They will teach you that real power doesnt mean occasionally popping somebody in the mouth with your fists.They will help you recognise that truse affection is not having your girlfriend or boyfriend sneak over after your parents have gone to bed.

So, if you're the typical skeptic-and i hope you are-then this should be your first question: "If these laws are so darn important, then why havent i heard them before?"
well,you probably have heard some of these principals within these laws at one point or another.Let me ask you this:Has anyone ever sat down with you to devise a complete "strategy"for your life?of course not.

It isnt your fault that you dont have a life strategy.The truth is that you're probably like everyone else in this country. You havent ben taught anything about the way people work.You havent been told about why we behave the way we do-and what we can do to alter that behaviour.You have never been taught how to manage your emotions that can sometimes engulf you quickly as a wave out of a typhoon.

Lets face it. Your parents and teachers werent taught of life laws either.Those you entrust to prepare you for your life arent that prepared.Are you ever taught something important like what to do when your parents yell at you? You are taught how to do algebra, but are you taught what to say to yourself when you hear kids laughing behind your back? You are taught the list of vocabulary, but are you given a similar list of ways to build your confidence?Did anyone ever teach you how to be heard by your parents, how to manage your anger, or how to create independence in your life?

'I have never let schooling interfere with my education.'
-Mark Twain

Many of us have just stop dreaming and we now simply react to whatever life deals us on any given day.The problem is, if you have no idea what your life would include and not include,what to forget and what not to forget, it is almost impossible to live with any kinf of purpose.You have to be willing to start wanting again,and that means identifying what or who it is will make you happy.



Saturday, November 8, 2008, 11:50 PM
Skip yourself fit

Skip yourself fit

Skipping is not just for kids.
It's high-intensity cardio excercise that uses every muscle in your body.It's a great way to improve general fitness,endurance and stamina. However, to get results you must work your heart from 70% to 80% of its full capacity.

Ensure you warm up for five minutes.

Its an excellent workout, especially if you're short if time.

Friday, November 7, 2008, 10:32 PM
5 surprising reasons to get more sleep

5 surprising reasons to get more sleep

It could make you thinner
the less sleep you get.the higher your body mass index tends to be. Research showed that people who sleep five hours a night were found to have 15 % more ghrelin(a hormone that boosts hunger) in their bodies and 15% less leptin(which suppresses it) than those sleeping eight hours.

It could boosts your memory
sleeping plays a key role in making new memories stick in the brain.12 hours' sleep is much better than 12 hours' wakefulness.

It can fight colds,ulcers and even cancer
good sleep boosts the immune system. Melatonin, produced when you sleep, is a cancer-fighting sntioxidant. Night-shift workers may have up to 70 times greater risk of breast cancer. Also, the chemical to repair damage to the stomach lining is secreted during sleep. so staying up all night regularly could raise your risk of ulcers.

It can slow down ageing
persistant sleep debt affects carbohydrate metabolism and hormone function in a way that may increase the severity of age-related chronic disorders. A people who sleeps six to seven hours a hours a night lived longer than those sleeping less than 4.5 hours.

It could keep you orderly
if you're a child la.The depression and low self-esteem often associated with just being a teenager actually correlate with sleep shortage. Young kids who sleep poorly are more than twice as likely to drink and drunk in adolescence.

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I am wonderul , you inferior beings.

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Take A Bow
plenty thanks to ChildhoodFlings